Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #646 (1828) Meter: Lyrics: 1 With grateful hearts and tuneful lays,
We bow before th'Eternal throne,
And offer up our humble praise,
To him whose name is God alone.
2 On this auspicious eve, draw near,
And shed thy richest blessings down;
Fill ev'ry heart with love sincere,
And all thy faithful mercies crown.
3 Grant now thy presence, gracious Lord,
And hearken to our fervent pray'r;
The nuptial vow in heav'n record,
And bless the newly married pair.
4 Oh, guide them safe, this desert through,
Mid all the cares of life and love;
At length with joy thy face to view,
In fairer, better worlds above.
Topics: Marriage; Wedding
With grateful hearts and tuneful lays