Author: Bernard of Clairvaux, 1090-1153; C. P. Kruath, 1823-83 Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary #265 (1996) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Wide open are Thy hands,
Paying with more than gold
The awful debt of guilty men,
Forever and of old.
2 Ah, let me grasp those hands,
That we may never part,
And let the power of their blood
Sustain my fainting heart.
3 Wide open are Thine arms,
A fallen world t'embrace;
To take to love and endless rest
Our whole forsaken race.
4 Lord, I am sad and poor,
But boundless is Thy grace;
Give me the soul transforming joy
For which I seek Thy face.
5 Draw all my mind and heart
Up to Thy throne on high,
And let Thy sacred Cross exalt
My spirit to the sky.
6 To these, Thy mighty hand,
My spirit I resign;
Living, I live alone to Thee,
And, dying, I am Thine. Topics: Jesus, Bread of Life; Lent 4 Languages: English
Wide Open Are Thy Hands