Hymnal: A New Version of the Psalms of David #2 (1752) Lyrics: 1 Why do the Heathen furious rage,
And in such Tumults join?
Why do the People madly storm,
And such vain Schemes design?
2 The Gentile Kings unite their Strength,
And Israel's Priests contrive;
Against the Lord they bend their Force,
Against his CHRIST they strive.
3 "Come say they, let us break their Bands
"Shall we them Homage pay;
"We'll ne'er submit to their hard Yoke,
"We'll cast their Cords away.
4 But he that sits in Heav'n, beholds,
With a disdainful Smile;
The Lord, their feeble Strength derides,
Their Malice, and their Guile.
5 Then, in his Wrath, he'll speak aloud.
And thunder in their Ears;
While hov'ring Vengeance fills their Souls,
With dreadful vexing Fears.
6 "Know, mine anointed King, I've fix'd
"On Zion's sacred Plot;
7 " 'Tis my Decree; thou art my Son,
"This Day I Thee begot.
8 "Ask me, I'll give the Heathen Tribes
"For thine Inheritance;
"Thro' utmost Bounds of Earth, thy Sway
"Shall gloriously advance.
9 "Thou shalt them crush, who dare rebel,
"As with an Iron Rod;
"Them, as a Potter's Vessel, dasht,
"In Pieces spread abroad.
10 Be wise, now, O ye Kings, and hear.
Earth's Judges, his mild Voice:
11 Serve ye the Lord with Fear, before
Him tremble, and rejoice.
12 Kiss ye the Son, lest flaming Wrath
You in your Way surprize;
His Wrath's but kindling yet: they're blest
Whose Trust on him relies.
Scripture: Psalm 2 Languages: English
Why do the Heathen furious rage