Author: J. S. Stallybrass; J. A. Freylinghausen Hymnal: Wartburg Hymnal #282 (1918) Lyrics: 1 Who is there like Thee,
Jesus, unto me?
None are like Thee, none above Thee,
Thou art altogether lovely;
None on earth have we,
None in heav'n like Thee.
2 Love that warmly glowed,
Blood that freely flowed;
Life that stooped to death to save me,
And a deathless being gave me;
Bore my guilty load,
Brought me back to God!
3 Plant Thyself in me,
I will learn of Thee,
To be holy, meek, and tender,
Wrath and pride and self surrender:
Nothing shouldst Thou see
But Thyself in me.
4 When on death's cold strand
I one day shall stand,
Let Thy presence go beside me,
Through the gloomy waters guide me:
Grant me then to stand,
Lord, at Thy right hand. Topics: Faith in Jesus
Who is there like Thee