Hymnal: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy #76 (1814) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Who, gracious Father! can complain,
Under thy mild and gentle reign?
Who does a weight of duty share,
More than his aids and pow'rs can bear?
2 With diff'ring climes, and diff'ring lands,
With fertile pains and barren sands,
Thy hand hath framed this earthly roun,
And set each nation in its bound.
3 So various, thy celestial ray
Here sheds a full, there fainter day.
The God of all, unkind to none,
To all the path of life hath shown.
4 Large id the bounty of his hand:
He will a large return demand.
Haste then, my soul! thy work pursue,
And keep the heav'nly prize in view. Topics: Divine Providence and Government Languages: English
Who, gracious Father! can complain