Hymnal: The Silver Chime #107 (1862) First Line: Where'er in rev'rent quietude Lyrics: 1 Where'er in rev'rent quietude
The mind is lowly bending,
And 'neath Earth's solemn mysteries
The eagle glance descending,
When from the silent deeps of tho't
Truth's spirit voice is calling,
And on the ardent, waiting soul
Her inspiration falling,
There will we sing His lofty name,
Who called to life Earth's wondrous frame.
2 Where'er the fond, enraptur'd eye
Drinks in all holy beauty,
While heart of man to Nature's heart
Responds in love and duty,
Where hoary mountains rear thier heads
In strength sublime reposing,
Or vales of tranquil loveliness
Their flow'ry eyes are closing,
There will we draw All hearts above,
To sing his pow'r, His boundless love.
3 Where genius, star of mighty minds
O'er newborn thought is pouring
A flood of heav'nly, radiant light,
God's world to man restoring.
Now burning on the poet's page,
Or from the canvass glowing,
Now where the silent marble breathes
Or music's life is flowing,
There will we point To Him afar,
Great source of light, Bright morning star. Tune Title: [Where'er in rev'rent quietude]
No. 15 (Reverence, Humility, Knowledge, Truth, Kindness, Forbearance, Forgiveness, Trustfulness, Sympathy, Gratitude, and Companions)