Hymnal: The Psalms of David #II.LXXVIII (1766) Lyrics: 1 When the first Parents of our Race
Rebell'd, and lost their God,
And the Infection of their Sin,
Had tainted all our Blood;
2 Infinite Pity touch'd the Heart
Of the Eternal SON,
Descending from the heav'nly Court,
He left his Father's Throne.
3 Aside the Prince of Glory threw
His most divine Array,
And wrapt his Godhead in a Veil
Of our inferior Clay.
5 His living Pow'r and dying Love,
Redeem'd unhappy Men,
And rais'd the Ruins of our Race
To Life and God again.
6 To Thee, dear Lord, our Flesh and Soul
We joyfully resign,
Blest Jesus, take us for thy own,
For we are doubly thine.
7 Thine Honour shall for ever be
The Bus'ness of our Days;
For ever shall our thankful Tongues
Speak thy deserved Praise. Topics: Fall and Recovery of Man; Redemption in Christ Languages: English
When the first Parents of our Race