Hymnal: Book of Worship (Rev. ed.) #551 (1870) Meter: Lyrics: 1 When brighter suns and milder skies
Proclaim the op'ning year,
What various sounds of joy arise!
What prospects bright appear!
2 Earth and her thousand voices give
Their thousand notes of praise;
And all that by His mercy live,
To God their offering raise.
3 Thus, like the morning, calm and clear,
That saw the Saviour rise,
The spring of heaven's eternal year
Shall dawn on earth and skies.
4 No winter there, no shades of night,
Obscure those mansion blest,
Where, in the happy fields of light,
The weary are at rest.
Topics: Seamen; Seasons Spring; Spring Languages: English
When brighter suns and milder skies