Author: C. H. G. Hymnal: Triumphant Songs No.3 #24 (1892) First Line: What little folks can do Refrain First Line: These little hands Lyrics: 1 What little folks can do,
We’ll try to make you see;
For tho’ we are so small,
We’re busy as can be;
These little hands of ours
Seem little worth to you,
But tho’ they’re small and feeble,
Yet they’re honest hands, and true.
These little hands, these little hearts, these little willing feet,
These little ears, these eyes and tongues,
Can do his pleasure meet.
2 These little hearts can love
And trust the Savior, too,
And thro’ our daily life
They tell us what to do;
They tell us we must send
His love to lands afar,
Which never heard the blessed name
Of Christ, the Morning Star. [Refrain]
3 These little feet can walk
The bright and shining way,
On errands run for him
Who listens when we pray.
These little feet can shut
The way of sin and wrong,
And march, at last, thro’ heaven’s gate,
With all the shining throng. [Refrain]
4 These little ears can hear
What’s going on around,
And when you least expect,
They catch the faintest sound;
They hear the music sweet,
They hear the Lord’s command
To preach his word to all the world,
To ev’ry tribe and land. [Refrain]
5 These little eyes can see
The evil and the good,
They mark the passing scenes
‘Tis right indeed, they should;
They read the legends bright
That tell of Jesus’ love,
They read the sacred page that leads
To mansions bright above. [Refrain]
6 These little tongues can speak
The glory of our King,
And ever ready be
A happy song to sing;
They shape our words of prayer,
His message they can give
To all the world, that Jesus died,
That all, through him, might live. [Refrain] Topics: Children's Songs; Work Tune Title: [What little folks can do]
What Little Folks Can Do.