Author: Peacock Hymnal: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs #CXXXV (1792) Meter: First Line: What grace and love divine Lyrics: 1 What grace and love divine,
Did Jesus manifest!
Oh! may the pure celestial flame
Inspire his foll'wers breast!
2 Tho' in the form of God,
With glory bright array'd:
That glory, which he wore above,
For us aside he laid.
3 Himself he humbled low,
And took our mortal frame:
The Prince of heav'n, the lord of life,
A servant once became.
4 Obedient unto death,
Lo! he the cross sustains!
To free us from almighty wrath,
And everlasting pains.
5 Now, on his Father's throne
He reigns exalted high;
With rays of heav'nly splendour crown'd,
And awful majesty.
6 At Jesus' glorious name,
Let ev'ry creature bow,
Ye, that on high, his praise proclaim:
And we on earth below.
7 Let ev'ry tongue confess
Christ the adored Lord;
And join to sing his wondrous grace
Ye saints with sweet accord.
8 This glory well he claims,
Of God his Father giv'n;
To be extoll'd in highest strains,
By all in earth and Heav'n.
Topics: The Humiliation of the Glorified with Glory before the World began Scripture: Psalm 102:15-16 Languages: English
The Eternal stoops to Earth