Author: Richard Godfrey Parsons, 1882-1948 Hymnal: CPWI Hymnal #626 (2010) Meter: D Lyrics: 1 We hail thy presence glorious,
O Christ our great High Priest,
o'er sin and death victorious,
at thy thanksgiving feast:
as thou art interceding
for us in heaven above,
thy church on earth is pleading
thy perfect work of love.
2 Through thee in every nation
thine own their hearts upraise,
offering one pure oblation,
one sacrifice of praise:
with thee in blest communion
the living and the dead
are joined in closest union,
one Body and one Head.
3 O living bread from heaven,
Jesu, our Saviour good,
who thine own self hast given
to be our souls' true food;
for us thy body broken
hung on the cross of shame:
this bread its hallowed token,
we break in thy dear name.
*4 O stream of love unending,
poured from the one true vine,
with our weak nature blending
the strength of life divine;
our thankful faith confessing
in thy life-blood outpoured,
we drink this cup of blessing
and praise thy name, O Lord.
5 May we thy word believing,
thee through thy gifts receive,
that, thou within us living,
we all to God may live;
draw us from earth to heaven
till sin and sorrow cease,
forgiving and forgiven,
in love and joy and peace. Topics: Sacraments and Other Occasions Holy Communion Languages: English Tune Title: OFFERTORIUM
We hail thy presence glorious