Author: Mrs. W. T. Morris Hymnal: Great Revival Hymns No. 2 #31 (1913) First Line: We are traveling home by the good old way Refrain First Line: ‘Tis the same old way, the same old way Lyrics: 1 We are trav’ling home by the good old way,
By the way our father’s trod;
We will join them there in the land of day,
And forever reign with God.
‘Tis the same old way, the same old way,
There is just one road to Jesus,—
By the way of the cross of Calvary!
We must travel the same old way.
2 We at times will chance where the roadways cross,
There ‘tis Satan will delay,
But we heed the words of the still small voice
Saying, “Keep the narrow way.” [Refrain]
3 Many stop to look for a better way,
And are swallowed up in night,
While the faithful few, by their steady tread
Enter thro’ the gates of light. [Refrain]
4 ‘Twas my father’s way, ‘twas my mother’s way,
And ‘twill be the way for me!
When my journey’s done, and my crown is won,
By the same old way ‘twill be. [Refrain]
5 Oh, how glad am I there is just one way,
It is narrow, but ‘tis straight;
Tho’ it leads uphill we mount upward still
T’ward the heav’nly, pearly gate. [Refrain] Languages: English Tune Title: [We are traveling home by the good old way]
The Same Old Way