Hymnal: The Psalms of David #I.LII (1766) Lyrics: 1 'Twas the Commission of our Lord,
Go, teach the Nations, and Baptize,
The Nations have receiv'd the Word,
Since he ascended to the Skies.
2 He sits upon th' eternal Hills,
With Grace and Pardon in his Hands,
And sends his Cov'nant with the Seals,
To bless the distant British Lands.
3 Repent, and be baptis'd, he saith,
For the Remission of your Sins;
And thus our Sense assists our Faith,
And shows us what his Gospel means.
4 Our Souls he washes in his Blood,
As Water makes the Body clean;
And the good Spirit from our God
Descends like purifying Rain.
3 Thus we engage ourselves to Thee,
And seal our Cov'nant with the Lord;
O may the Great eternal Three
In Heav'n our solemn Vows record! Topics: Believer baptised; Christ Excellencies; Baptism Scripture: Matthew 28:19 Languages: English
'Twas the Commission of our Lord