Author: G. Tersteegen Hymnal: The Lutheran Hymnary #187 (1913) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Triumph, ye heavens! rejoice ye with high adoration!
Sing to the Lord, to the Savior, in glad exultation!
Angels give ear!
God unto men draweth near,
Bringing to lost ones salvation.
2 Triumph, ye heavens! rejoice, O ye nations and wonder!
God and the sinner no power of the devil may sunder.
"Peace and good-will!"
Hark! it is echoing still,
Silencing Sinai's thunder!
3 God in man’s nature! O mystery past comprehending!
Now is the temple thrown wide and the incense ascending!
Christ is the way!
We who were once far away,
Now at His footstool are bending.
4 Hast Thou, O Holy One, deigned of my need to be thinking?
Chosen me, called me, the waters of life to be drinking?
Shall not my mind
Fullness of blessing here find,
Deep in humility sinking?
5 King of all glory! what grace in Thy humiliation!
Thou wert a child who of old wert the Lord of creation!
Thee will I own,
thee would I follow alone,
Heir of Thy wondrous salvation.
6 Faithful Immanuel! let me Thy glories be telling;
Ever, my Savior, be Thou in mine inmost heart dwelling.
With me abide;
Teach me to stay at Thy side,
Where the love-fountain is welling.
7 Friend of the sinner! Lord Jesus! my spirit is soaring
Where Thou art throned, on Thy head the sweet spikenard still pouring.
Take me above,
There will I sing of Thy love,
Ever Thy person adoring. Topics: The Church Year Christmas; The Church Year Christmas Tune Title: [Triumph, ye heavens! rejoice with high adoration]
Triumph, ye heavens! rejoice ye with high adoration!