Hymnal: Church Hymn Book #P.CXIX.Jod (1816) Meter: Lyrics: 73 To me, who am the workmanship
Of thy Almighty hands,
The heav'nly understanding give
To learn thy just commands.
74 My preservation to thy saints
Strong comfort will afford,
To see success attend my hopes,
Who trusted in thy word.
75 That right thy judgments are, I now
By sure experience see;
And that in faithfulness, O Lord,
Thou hast afflicted me.
76 O let thy tender mercy now
Afford me needful aid;
According to thy promise, Lord,
To me, thy servant, made.
77 To me thy saving grace restore,
That I again may live;
Whose soul can relish no delight
But what thy precepts give.
78 Defeat the proud, who, unprovok'd,
To ruin me have sought,
Who only on thy sacred laws
Employ my harmless thought.
79 Let those that fear thy name espouse
My cause, and those alone
Who have, by strict and pious search,
Thy sacred precepts known.
80 In thy blest statutes let my heart
Continue always sound;
That guilt and shame, the sinner's lot,
May never me confound. Scripture: Psalm 119:73-80 Languages: English
To me, who am the workmanship