Hymnal: Christian Hymns #68 (1898) Meter: Lyrics: 1 To God be glory, peace on earth,
To all mankind good will!
We bless, we praise, we worship Thee,
And glorify Thee still,
And glorify Thee still.
2 And thanks for Thy great glory give,
That fills our soul with light;
O Lord, our heavenly King, the God
And Father of all might,
And Father of all might!
3 And Thou, begotten Son of God
Before all time begun;
O Jesus Christ, Thou Lamb of God,
The Father's only Son,
The Father's only Son:
4 Have mercy, Thou that tak'st the sins
Of all the world away!
Have mercy, Saviour of mankind,
And hear us when we pray,
And hear us when we pray!
5 O Thou, who sitt'st at God's right hand,
Upon the Father's throne,
Have mercy on us, Thou O Christ,
Who art the Holy One,
Who art the Holy One!
6 Thou only, with the Holy Ghost,
Whom earth and heaven adore,
In glory of the Father art
Most high forevermore,
Most high forevermore. Topics: TheChurch Year Trinity; Christ Lamb; Mercy, prayed for; Praise and Thanksgiving Languages: English Tune Title: ARISE, ALL WHO ON EARTH DO DWELL
To God be glory, peace on earth