Hymnal: The Psalms of David #I.LXVII (1766) Lyrics: 1 Thou, whom my Soul admires above
All earthly joy, and earthly Love,
Tell me, dear Shepherd, let me know
Where doth thy sweetest Pasture grow?
2 Where is the Shadow of that Rock,
That from the Sun defends thy Flock?
Fain would I feed among thy Sheep,
Among them rest, among them sleep.
3 Why should thy Bride appear like one
That turns aside to Paths unknown?
My constant Feet would never rove,
Would never seek another Love.
[4 The Footsteps of thy Flock I see;
Thy sweetest Pastures here they be;
A wond'rous Feast thy Love prepares,
Bought with thy Wounds, & Groans & Tears.
5 His dearest Flesh he makes my Food,
And bids me drink his richest Blood:
Here to these Hills my Soul will come,
Till my Beloved lead me home. Topics: Christ Communion with Him and Saints; Church Conversing with Christ viz. seeking, finding, calling, answering; Spiritual Food; Seeking after Christ; Shepherd, Christ and His Pastures; Song of Solomon paraphrased Scripture: Song of Solomon 1:7 Languages: English
Thou, whom my Soul admires above