Author: Anonymous Hymnal: A Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion (15th ed.) #485 (1866) First Line: Thou givest Thy Sabbath, Lord; the din is stilled Lyrics:
Thou givest Thy Sabbath, Lord; the din is stilled
Of man’s unquiet care;
A sacred calm, with Thy deep presence filled,
Breathes through the silent air.
O leave us not, through long and darkened hours,
In night of woe and sin,
But shed Thy Sabbath with its radiant powers
Upon the world within.
Purge from our hearts the stains so deep and foul,
Of wrath and pride and care;
Send Thine own holy calm upon the soul,
And bid it settle there.
Banish this craving self that still has sought
Lord of the soul to be;
Teach us to turn to fellow-men our thought;
Teach us to turn to Thee!
Teach us to love Thy creatures great and small
To live as in Thine eye;
Thou who hast freely given Thy love to all;—
Thou who to all art nigh!
Languages: English
The Sabbath