Author: Maggie E. Gregory Hymnal: Gold Tried in the Fire #114 (1904) First Line: There's pow'r in Jesus' blood Refrain First Line: Behold the cleansing flood Lyrics: 1 There’s pow’r in Jesus’ blood,
To make us whole again,
To save our souls from ev’ry sin,
And cleanse from ev’ry stain.
Behold the cleansing flood!
Oh, come, and plunge and know
That there is pow’r in Jesus’ blood
To wash us white as snow.
2 There’s pow’r in Jesus’ blood,
Our natures to renew,
To purify from inbred sin
And save us thro’ and thro’. [Chorus]
3 There’s pow’r in Jesus’ blood,
To keep our garments white,
Pure and unspotted from the world,
And holy in His sight. [Chorus]
4 There’s pow’r in Jesus’ blood,
To give complete release
From ev’ry sin and keep our souls
In blessed perfect peace. [Chorus]
Languages: English Tune Title: [There's pow'r in Jesus' blood]
Power in Jesus' Blood