Hymnal: Poems on Subjects Chiefly Devotional, Vol. 2 #155 (1760) First Line: Thee, Lord, my thankful soul would bless Lyrics:
I. Thee, Lord, my thankful soul would bless,
Thee all my pow'rs adore;
Thy hand has rais'd me from distress,
My foes rejoice no more.
II. O Lord, my God, oppress'd with grief,
To thee I breath'd my cry;
Thy mercy brought divine relief,
And wip'd my tearful eye.
III. Thy mercy chas'd the shades of death,
And snatch'd me from the grave;
O may thy praise employ that breath
Which mercy deigns to save.
IV. Come, O ye saints, your voices raise
To God in grateful songs;
And let the mem'ry of his grace,
Inspire your hearts and tongues.
V. His frown, what mortal can sustain?
But soon his anger dies;
His life-restoring smile again
Returns, and sorrow flies.
VI. Her deepest gloom when sorrow spreads,
And light and hope depart,
His smile celestial morning sheds,
And joy revives the heart.
VII. Beneath thy kind protecting arm
How did my soul rejoice!
And fondly hop'd no future harm
Should ever shock my joys.
VIII. Lord,'twas thy favour fix'd my rest;
Thy shining face withdrew,
And troubles fill'd my anxious breast,
And pain'd my soul anew.
IX. Again to thee, O gracious God,
I rais'd my mournful eyes;
To thee I spread my woes abroad,
With supplicating cries.
X. What glory can my death afford?
In the dark grave confin'd,
Shall senseless dust adore the Lord,
Or call thy truth to mind?
XI. Hear, O my God, in mercy hear,
Attend my plaintive cry;
Be thou, my gracious helper, near,
And bid my sorrows fly.
XII. Again I hear thy voice divine,
New joys exulting bound;
My robes of mourning I resign,
And gladness girds me round.
XIII. Then let my utmost glory be
To raise thy honours high;
Nor let my gratitude to thee
In guilty silence die.
XIV. To thee, my gracious God, I raise
My thankful heart and tongue;
O be thy goodness and thy praise
My everlasting song. Scripture: Psalm 30 Languages: English
Psalm XXX