Author: S. O. Bruun; O. T. (Sanden) Arneson, 1853-1917 Hymnal: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary #575 (1996) Meter: Lyrics: 1 The sun has gone down
And peace has descended on country and town;
The songbirds in silence have flown to their nest,
And flowers are closing their petals in rest;
So closes my heart to annoyance and care,
In homage and pray'r,
In homage and pray'r.
2 I praise for this day
The Father in heaven who prospered my way,
Who shielded from danger, protected from harm,
Promoted my labor, and strengthened my arm;
For hours that passed lightly as birds on the wing,
Thanksgiving I bring,
Thanksgiving I bring.
3 Forgive me, O Lord,
My sins and transgressions in deed and in word!
Thou knowest my heart and my innermost thought,
The words I have spoken, the deeds I have wrought,
My errors and failings I deeply regret,
Forgive and restore,
Forgive and restore!
4 I ask for no more;
My light I extinguish and fasten the door,
And seeking my chamber, betake me to rest;
Assured that my slumber this night will be blest,
I fondly confide to Thy care and control
My body and soul,
My body and soul. Languages: English Tune Title: FAR, VERDEN, FAR VEL
The Sun Has Gone Down