Hymnal: Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the use of Christians #200 (1803) First Line: The rising youth espouse the cause Lyrics: 1 The rising youth espouse the cause
Of Jesus and his sacred laws,
Behold them rise on every hand,
And marching to the promis'd land.
2 No earthly joys can equal theirs,
Thy shout and sing with flowing tears,
With heavenly transport fill'd thy cry,
We'll praise the sovereign of the sky.
3 O sacred spark, celestial fire,
Inflame each heart with pure desire.
The time draws near, the moments fly,
The rising youth mounts up on high.
4 But there's a youth for ruin bound,
His head with earthly laurel crown'd;
Come go with us and you shall prove
The joys of vast redeeming love.
5 This earth with all its glittering toys,
Compar'd with these celestial joys,
Like momentary sparks appear;
Come, go with us, your soul is dear.
6 We wait your answer, will you go,
And drink the living streams that flow,
Proceeding from the throne of God,
And purchas'd with a Saviour's blood?
7 Or must we leave the blooming youth
To bar his heart against the truth?
No, come my brother, Jesus calls,
O come with us, give up your alls!
8 Come you that love a bleeding Lord,
And feel the witness of his blood;
Let's watch, and pray, and travel on,
Till Jesus comes to take us home.
9 Our stay is short, we soon must go
From grief and sorrow here below;
In shouts of triumph we shall fly,
And spend a sweet eternity.
Languages: English
Youth Hastening to Eternity