Hymnal: The Psalms of David #L (1767) Lyrics: 1 The Lord hath spoke, the mighty GOD
Hath sent his Summons all abroad,
From dawning Light, till Day declines;
The list'ning Earth his Voice has heard,
And he from Sion hath appear'd,
Where Beauty in Perfection shines.
2 Our GOD shall come, and keep no more
Misconstru'd Silence as before;
But wasting Flames before him send:
Around shall Tempests fiercely rage,
While he does Heaven and Earth engage,
His just Tribunal to attend.
3 "Assemble all my Saints to me,
(Thus runs the great divine Decree,}
"That in my lasting Cov'nant live;
"And Off'rings bring with constant Care."
The Heav'n's his Justice shall declare,
For GOD himself shall Sentence give.
4 Attend my People, Israel hear,
Thy strong Accuser I'll appear;
Thy GOD, thy only GOD, am I,
'Tis not of Off'rings I complain,
Which, daily in my Temple slain,
My sacred Altar did supply.
5 Will this alone Atonement make?
No Bullocks from thy Stall I'll take,
Nor He-Goat from thy Fold accept:
The Forest Beasts that range alone,
The Cattle too are all my own,
That on a thousand Hills are kept.
6 I know the Fowls that build their Nests,
In craggy Rocks; and Savage Beasts,
That loosely haunt the open Fields:
If seiz'd with Hunger, I could be,
I need not seek Relief from thee;
Since the World's mine, and all it yields.
7 Think'st thou, that I have any need
On slaughter'd Bulls and Goats to feed,
To eat their Flesh and drink their Blood?
The Sacrifices I require,
Are Hearts which Love and Zeal inspire,
And Vows with strictest Care made good.
8 In Times of Trouble, call on me,
And I will set thee safe and free;
And thou Returns of Praise shall make;
But to the Wicked, thus saith GOD,
How dar'st thou teach my Laws abroad,
Or in thy Mouth my Cov'nant take?
9 For stubborn thou, confirm'd in Sin,
Hast Proof against Instruction been,
And of my Word didst lightly speak:
When thou a subtle Thief did'st see,
Thou gladly did'st with him agree,
And with Adult'rers didst partake.
10 Vile Slander is thy chief Delight;
Thy Tongue, by Envy mov'd and Spite,
Deceitful Tales does hourly spread;
Thou dost with hateful Scandals wound,
Thy Brother, and with Lies confound,
The Offspring of thy Mother's Bed.
11 These Things didst thou, whom still I strove
To gain, with Silence, and with Love;
'Till thou did'st wickedly surmise,
That I was such a one as thou;
But I'll reprove and shame thee now,
And set thy Sins before thy Eyes.
12 Mark this, ye wicked Fools, lest I
Let all my Bolts of Vengeance fly,
Whilst none shall dare your Cause to own.
Who praises me, due Honour gives;
And to the Man that justly lives,
My strong Salvation shall be shown. Topics: Description of Fear and Service of the Lord; Description of Hyprocisy; Description of Judgment; Description of Slander and Backbiting; Soul's Desire Of Believers Scripture: Psalm 50 Languages: English Tune Title: [The Lord hath spoke, the mighty God]
The Lord hath spoke, the mighty God