Author: Daniel T. MacFarlan Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #9149 Meter: D First Line: Tell me, Jesus, tell me now Lyrics: 1 Tell me, Jesus, tell me now,
While to Thee I humbly bow,
Wilt Thou take this heart of mine,
And forever seal it Thine?
Wilt Thou come, and there abide,
While I see Thy opened side;
Pouring forth the streams of life,
Giving strength and ending strife?
2 If I yield myself to Thee,
Wilt Thou come direct to me,
And within Thy loving arms
Cause my heart to feel Thy charms?
Wilt Thou, oh, my precious Lord,
Give me comfort by Thy Word,
By Thy truth great joy impart
To my poor and throbbing heart?
3 Hark! I hear my Savior say,
"Come, My child, oh, come this way;
Take My hand and walk with Me
In the path I trod for thee;
Look by faith and see the blood
Sprinkled on the thorny road;
See, My child, each step I trod
Brings thee nearer to thy God."
4 "Give thy heart, thyself, to Me
Give whate’er I ask of thee;
Yield up all without restraint,
Free from murmur or complaint;
Then I’ll take that heart of thine,
And with perfect love divine,
Make it new and pure within,
Spotless from all inbred sin." Languages: English Tune Title: GRAMERCY PARK
Tell Me, Jesus