Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #283 (1828) Meter: Irregular Lyrics: 1 Sovereign Ruler, Lord of all,
Prostrate at thy feet I fall:
Hear, oh hear my ardent cry,
Frown not, lest I faint and die!
2 Vilest of the sons of men,
Worst of rebels I have been!
Oft abus'd thee to thy face,
Trampled on thy richest grace.
3 Justly might thy vengeful dart,
Pierce this broken, bleeding heart;
Justly might thy kindled ire
Blast me in eternal fire.
4 But with thee there's mercy found,
Balm to heal my ev'ry wound;
Thou canst sooth the troubled breast,
Give the weary wand'rer rest.
5 Then my humble prayer attend,
Show thyself the sinner's friend;
Bid the sufferer cease to mourn,
Bid the prodigal return!
6 Clasp me in thine arms of love,
Let me all thy fondness prove,
I die if thou canst not forgive,
But whisper "pardoned," and I live! Topics: Supplication for the divine mercy; The Penitent Pardoned
Sovereign Ruler, Lord of all