Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #15 (1828) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Some seraph lend your heavenly tongue,
Or harp of golden string,
That I may raise a lofty song,
To our Eternal King.
2 Thy names how infinite they be!
Boundless thy might and majesty,
And unconfin'd thy throne.
3 Thy glories shine of wondrous size,
And wondrous large thy grace;
Immortal day breaks from thine eyes,
And Gabriel veils his face.
4 Thine essence is a vast abyss,
Which angels cannot sound;
An ocean of infinities
Where all our thoughts are drown'd.
5 Thy myst'ries of creation lie
Beneath enlighten'd minds;
Thoughts can ascend above the sky,
And fly before the winds;
6 Reason may grasp the massy hills,
And stretch from pole to pole;
But half thy name our spirit fills,
And overloads our soul.
7 In vain our haughty reason swells,
For nothing's found in Thee,
But boundless inconceivables,
And vast eternity! Topics: Being and Perfections of God; The Infinite
Some seraph lend your heavenly tongue