Author: Julia H. Johnston Hymnal: Bible Study Songs #116 (1899) First Line: Softly the light of the beautiful morning Refrain First Line: Hark! hark to the message, the glad Easter greeting Lyrics: 1 Softly the light of the beautiful morning
Fell on the garden, all smiling with bloom,
When, in the dawn, without trumpet of warning,
Angels descended to open the tomb.
Women of Galilee, followers lowly,
Bringing their spices in token of love,
Seeking for Jesus, the Master all-holy,
Found the bright messengers sent from above.
Hark! hark to the message, the glad Easter greeting,
Jesus is risen! Remember his word;
Tell it abroad, the good tidings repeating,
Till the whole world the sweet story has heard.
2 "Seek not the living at death's gloomy portal,
Jesus is risen, oh, be not afraid;
He is not here," said the angel immortal;
"Come, see the place where the Saviour was laid."
Wonderful tidings! oh, message of gladness!
He who was dead liveth now in the skies.
Tell to all hearts that are mourning in sadness,
Jesus is risen; his children shall rise. [Chorus]
3 Lo, in the midst of disciples assembled,
Showing the wounds in his hands and his feet,
Tenderly, tenderly, while they all trembled,
"Peace, peace be unto you," hear him repeat.
Jesus, victorious, God everlasting,
Saviour of sinners, thy praises we sing.
Hear us, we pray, in our joyful thanksgiving,
Risen Redeemer and conquering King. [Chorus] Languages: English Tune Title: [Softly the light of the beautiful morning]
The Risen Jesus