Author: Paul Gerhardt, 1607-1676; Johan Olof Wallin, 1779-1839 Hymnal: Hymnal and Order of Service #248a (1901) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Shun, my heart, such thought forever
As that thou art cast away,
Rest upon God's Word and favor,
Never cease to watch and pray.
E'en though thou unrighteous art,
True and faithful is God's heart;
Hast thou death deserved forever?
God's appeased, despond thou never!
2 Thou art, as is every other,
Tainted with the poison sin.
That the serpent and our father
Adam, by the fall, brought in.
But if thou God's voice doth hear,
With a contrite heart draw near
Unto God, He will receive thee,
All thy sins He will forgive thee.
3 Thou wilt find in Him a Father
Who is patient, kind, and true,
He doth love thee as no brother
And no other friend can do.
E'en our smallest cares He knows,
He is touched by all our woes;
Well our inmost prayers He heareth,
And our saddened hearts He cheereth.
4 Hear His work "As I am living,
I the death on none would see,
But that every sinner giving
Up his heart would turn to Me.
How my heart with rapture burns
When a prodigal returns!
As My own I love to call him,
And no evil shall befall him."
5 Never shepherd's heart so yearneth
For the sheep that go astray
As God's loving bosom burneth
For His erring child alway.
How He thirst, and longs, and yearns
For the soul that from Him turns!
Couldst thou see His love so tender
Joyful praise thou wouldst Him render.
6 O my soul, so sad and dreary,
Rest now and contented be!
Why wilt thou thyself so weary
When there is no need for thee?
Though thy sins appear to thee
Like a vast and shoreless sea,
In God's mercy they will vanish;
Thy despair and fear, then, banish.
7 Were there thousand worlds created,
Lost in sin and misery,
Had their sins both small and greater,
Every one been done by thee;
Still God's love and mercy are
Greater than these sins by far;
Naught His mercy can diminish,
Nor His love and grace extinguish.
8 Of such wondrous love and favor
Open wide the door to me;
And Thy goodness, precious Saviour,
Let me ever taste and see,
Love me, Lord, and let me be
Ever nearer drawn to Thee;
Let thy Spirit lead and guide me,
In Thy loving bosom hide me. Topics: Repentance Languages: English Tune Title: FREU DICH SEHR, O MEINE SEELE
Shun, my Heart, such Thought Forever