Author: J. H. Martin Hymnal: Gospel Praise Book. #295 (1885) First Line: Room for the prodigal, mourning for sin Refrain First Line: Room for the prodigal, mourning for sin Lyrics: 1 Room for the prodigal, mourning for sin;
Room in the kingdom of God, let him in;
Room in the mansions of glory above;
Room in the bosom of Christ, full of love.
Room for the prodigal, mourning for sin;
Room for the prodigal, O, let him in.
2 Sinner return from the paths thou hast trod,
Walk in the ways of thy Father and God;
Follow the footsteps of Jesus thy guide,
Trust in the blood of the once Crucified. [Chorus]
3 Come unto Jesus for pardon and rest,
Come in contrition and lean on His breast;
Burdened with guilt, He will give thee release;
Troubled with sorrow He’ll fill thee with peace. [Chorus]
4 Loosed from the bondage of Satan and sin,
Run in the race, and the victory win;
Fight unto death, then thy armor lay down,
Enter thy rest and receive a bright crown. [Chorus]
Topics: Invitations to Christ Languages: English Tune Title: [Room for the prodigal, mourning for sin]
Room for the Prodigal