Author: Andreas Gryphius; Hermann H. M. Brueckner Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #15172 Meter: D Lyrics: 1 Preserve in fullest measure
Thy truth to us, O Lord;
Shield well Thy kingdom’s treasure,
Its wealth to us afford.
Keep Thou our faith from waning,
And hope’s fair banners bright.
That we, sweet comfort gaining,
Be saved from error’s night.
2 Preserve Thy wondrous glory
And turn against the foe;
Send forth the Gospel story
And let its knowledge grow.
To every erring nation
Thy saving grace reveal,
That men in every station
May heed its strong appeal.
3 Preserve what Thou hast founded
Upon a rock secure;
Thou Tower of strength unbounded,
Lend us protection sure.
The Church Thy help engageth
When foes around her throng;
So when the battle rageth,
Be Thee her fortress strong.
4 Preserve to us forever
Thy saving Word, O Lord,
And may it fail us never,
But light and truth afford.
O may its living waters
Refresh both heart and soul
Of all Thy sons and daughters
Till they have reached the goal.
5 Preserve, when storms are raging,
Thy little flock from woe;
Do Thou, our fears assuaging,
Thy help on us bestow.
Direct Thy ship, O Master,
Thro’ waves and tempests sore,
That we without disaster
May reach yon peaceful shore. Languages: English Tune Title: VALET WILL ICH DIR GEBEN
Preserve In Fullest Measure