Hymnal: Hymns, Selected and Original #35 (1828) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Our souls with pleasing wonder view
The bounties of thy grace;
How much bestow'd, how much reserv'd,
For those that seek thy face.
2 Thy lib'ral hand with worldly bliss
Oft makes their cup run o'er;
And in the cov'nant of thy love
They find diviner store.
3 Here mercy hides their num'rous sins;
Here grace their souls renews;
Here hope, and love, and joy, and peace
Their heav'nly beams diffuse.
4 But oh! what treasures yet unknown
Are lodg'd in worlds to come!
If these th'enjoyments of the way,
How happy is their home!
5 And what shall mortal worms reply?
Or how such goodness own?
But 'tis our joy, that, Lord, to thee
Thy servants' hearts are known.
6 Since time's too short, all-gracious God,
To utter half thy praise;
Loud, to the honour of thy name,
Eternal hymns we'll raise. Topics: Being and Perfections of God; God's mercies unutterable
Our souls with pleasing wonder view