Hymnal: The Silver Chime #50 (1862) Lyrics: 1 Open wide the garden gate,
Let the little wand'rers in;
Let them now no longer wait,
Tho' their lives are soiled by sin.
There is room enough for them
in the perfume laden bow'rs,
Room for many sparkling gem
'Mid the Gard'ner's living flowr's.
2 Take them from the sin-toss'd flood,
Moor them at the Eden isle;
Sprinkled with atoning blood,
Theirs shall be an angel smile.
Shield them from the world's stern care,
Guide their little footsteps right;
Let them breathe the heav'nly air,
Let them see its living light.
3 Suffer them to come to Him,
Shepherd of the cherub band;
He can light the valley dim,
Leading from this desert land,
Nurtured with a kindly care,
All the weeds of sin kept down,
Golden fruit their lives shall bear,
Till they win the sparkling crown.
4 And with golden harps in hand
Glad'ning all that blest abode,
They shall shine, a star-gemm'd band
In the coronal of God.
Open, then, the garden gate,
Let the little wand'rers in;
See the blessed Saviour wait--
Wait to save their souls from sin. Tune Title: [Open wide the garden gate]
Open Wide the Garden Gate