Author: H. A. Brorson Hymnal: Hymnal for Church and Home #184 (1927) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Oh, seek the Lord today!
Today He hath salvation.
Approach Him while He may
Still hear thy supplication.
Repent and seek His grace,
His call to thee doth sound;
Oh, turn to Him thy face
While yet He may be found.
2 Behold the sun of grace
So brightly on thee shineth;
Oh, take with Christ thy place
While He to thee inclineth.
Perchance His summons may
Ere long be sent to thee;
Oh, turn to Him today,
Let Him thy solace be.
3 There is salvation still
For hearts contritely crying
To Him whose gracious will
Is now to save the dying.
His grace doth beckon thee
To seek thy Savior blest;
Oh, hasten, swiftly flee
Unto His blessed rest.
4 As in its mother's arm
The child sweet comfort gaineth,
So, shielding thee from harm,
The Lord thy heart sustaineth,
Oh, seek that sweet repose,
Come unto Him and stay;
Thy Savior now is close,
Oh, come to Him today. Topics: Call and Repentance Languages: English Tune Title: [Oh, seek the Lord today]
Oh, Seek The Lord Today!