Author: J. Edgar Park Hymnal: Worship and Song. (Rev. ed.) #97 (1921) Lyrics: 1 O Jesus, thou wast tempted,
Alone in deserts wild;
No human friend was near thee,
The evil tempter smiled.
O Jesus, thou didst conquer
By God’s own power in thee,
Help me, O Christ to conquer,
Give me the victory!
2 O Jesus, thou wast tempted,
To meanness, greed and shame,
In all points like as I am,
In every way the same.
With God’s great words of promise
Thy memory was stored,
And mean things lost their favor
Beside God’s holy word.
3 O Jesus, thou wast tempted
To live for self alone,
To be great, rich and powerful,
To get, to keep, to own.
Thou didst not bow to Mammon,
But chose to worship God,
O give me strength to follow,
To walk where thou hast trod!
4 O Jesus, in thy conquest
Fair angels came to bless
White winged they flocked around thee
In the lone wilderness.
May noble thoughts and memories,
Like angels dwell within,
O fill my life, Lord Jesus,
And leave no room for sin! Tune Title: DAY OF REST
O Jesus, Thou Wast Tempted