Author: Johann Heermann, (1585-1647) Hymnal: The Hymnal and Order of Service #250 (1926) Meter: Lyrics: 1 O Jesus, Saviour dear,
How shall Thy Name be praised!
Thy sacred table now
Is spread with gifts most blessed.
Within that holy cup
Is healing for my soul;
Thou art the Bread of Life,
Broken to make me whole.
2 The burden of my sins
Hast Thou in mercy taken;
Thou touchest but my heart,
And Christian graces waken.
The feeble flame of faith
Is quickened by Thy grace;
My soul to peace restored,
With Thee at hand to bless.
3 My Austere, Lord, Thou art,
The Fount of every blessing;
If Thou be in my heart,
All else am I possessing.
Be and abide with me,
A constant Eucharist,
Then death to me is life
With Thee, O Jesus Christ.
Amen. Topics: The Means of Grace The Lord's Supper; Names and Office of Christ Bread; Names and Office of Christ Fount; Names and Office of Christ Treasure; Mystical union; Christ our Treasure Languages: English Tune Title: O GOTT, DU FROMMER GOTT (MEININGEN)
O Jesus, Saviour Dear