Hymnal: The Psalms of David #60 (1789) Lyrics: 1 O God, who hast our troops dispers'd,
Forsaking those who left thee first;
As we thy just displeasure mourn,
To us in mercy, Lord, return.
2 Our strength, that firm as earth did stand,
Is rent by thy avenging hand:
O! heal the breaches thou hast made;
We shake, we fall, without thy aid!
3 Our folly's sad effects we feel;
For, drunk with discord's cup, we reel:
But now for them, who thee revere'd,
Thou hast thy truth's bright banner rear'd.
4 Let thy right hand thy saints protect;
Lord, hear the pray'rs, that we direct;
The holy God has spoke; and I,
O'er joy'd, on his firm word rely.
5 To thee in portions I'll divide
Fair Sichems soil, Samaria's pride:
To Sichem, Succoth next I'll join,
And measure out her vale by line.
6 Manasseh, Gilead, both subscribe
To my commands, with Ephraim's tribe;
Ephraim by arms supports my cause,
And Judah by religious laws.
7 Moab my slave and drudge shall be,
Nor Edom from my yoke get free;
Proud Palestine's imperious state
Shall humbly on our triumph wait.
8 But who shall quell these mighty pow'rs,
And clear my way to Edom's tow'rs?
Or through her guarded frontiers tread
The path that does to conquest lead?
9 E'en thou, O God, who hast disperst
Our troops (for we forsook Thee first);
Those whom thou didst om wrath forsake,
Atton'd, thou wilt victorious make.
Part II.
10 Lord thou hast scourg'd our guilty land,
Behold thy people mourn;
Shall veng'ance ever guide thy hand?
And mercy ne'er return?
11 Beneath the terrors of thine eye,
Earth's haughty towers decay;
Thy frowning mantle spreads the sky,
And mortals melt away.
12 Our Sion trembles at thy stroke,
And dreads thy lifted hand!
Oh, heal the people thou hast broke,
And save the sinking land.
13 Exalt thy banner in the field,
For those that fear thy name;
From barb'rous hosts our nation shield,
And put our foes to shame.
14 Attend our armies to the fight,
And be their guardian God;
In vain shall num'rous pow'rs unite,
Against thy lifted rod.
15 Our troops beneath thy guiding hand,
Shall gain a glad renown:
'Tis God who makes the feeble stand,
And treads the mighty down.
Languages: English
O God, who hast our troops disperst