Author: Anna Hoppe Hymnal: The Hymnal and Order of Service #171 (1926) Meter: Lyrics: 1 O Father mine, whose mercies never cease,
Whose bounties toward Thy children e'er increase,
Create in me a heart whose tender love
Reflects Thine own, Thou gracious God above.
2 As Thou for Jesus' sake forgavest me,
So fill my heart with tender love for Thee,
That I condemn not others, but forgive,
And live as Thou, O God, wouldst have me live.
3 Let me not judge; O Father, keep my tongue
From evil; let no heart, with sadness wrung,
E'er seek in vain for mercy's healing balm,
But grant me grace through Thee its fears to calm.
4 As Thou dost every perfect gift bestow,
So let me live, that other hearts may know
Thy never-ceasing bounties, and confess
Thy grace, O Lord, in love and thankfulness.
Topics: Church Year Trinity Season; Trinty, Fourth Sunday; Trinity, Twenty-second Sunday; Forgiveness Spirit of; Sanctification Languages: English Tune Title: MORECAMBE
O Father Mine, Whose Mercies Never Cease