Hymnal: Miscellaneous Pieces in Verse and Prose #75 (1780) First Line: Now to thy heavenly Father's praise Lyrics:
Now to thy heavenly Father's praise,
My heart thy tribute bring:
That goodness which prolongs my days
With grateful pleasure sing.
Ye humble souls, who love the Lord,
Come join the pleasing theme;
His mercy, power, and truth record
And bless his glorious name.
Whene'er he sends afflicting pains,
His mercy holds the rod;
His powerful word the heart sustains,
And speaks a faithful God.
A faithful God is ever nigh
When humble grief implores;
His ear attends each plaintive sigh,
He pities and restores.
No more let diffidence prevail
Our comforts to destroy:
His tender mercies never fail,
Be these our sweet employ.
Ah! how unequal to the theme
Our feeble efforts prove!
Ye heavens resound his glorious name,
While we adore and love.
Yet fain my grateful soul would bring
Her tribute to thy throne;
Accept the wish, my God, my King,
To make thy goodness known!
O be the life thy hand restores
Devoted to thy praise!
To thee, be sacred all my powers,
To thee, my future days!
Thy soul-enlivening grace impart,
A warmer love inspire;
And teach the breathings of my heart
Dependence and desire. Languages: English
Acknowledging his goodness in supporting and restoring