Hymnal: The Psalms of David #II.II (1766) Lyrics: 1 My Thoughts on awful Subjects roll,
Damnation and the Dead,
What Horrors seize the guilty Soul
Upon a dying Bed!
2 Ling'ring about these mortal Shores,
She makes a long Delay,
Till like a Flood, with rapid Force
Death sweeps the Wretch away.
3 Then swift and dreadful she descends
Down to the fiery Coast,
Amongst abominable Fiends,
Herself a frightful Ghost.
4 There endless Crowds of Sinners lie,
And Darkness makes their Chains;
Tortur'd with keen Despair they cry,
Yet wait for fiercer Pains.
5 Not all their Anguish, and their Blood
For their old Guilt atones,
Nor the Compassion of a God
Shall hearken to their Groans.
6 Amazing Grace, that kept my Breath,
Nor bid my Soul remove,
Till I had learn'd my Saviour's Death,
And well insur'd his Love. Topics: Death of a Sinner terrible; Death of a Savior Languages: English
My Thoughts on awful Subjects roll