Hymnal: The Minstrel of Zion #123 (1845) First Line: My soul is happy in its choice Lyrics: 1 My soul is happy in its choice,
With Christ's dear flock enroll'd;
I hear my Shepherd's soothing voice,
And rest within his fold,
And rest within his fold.
2 He leads me through the pastures sweet
Beside the flowing rills,
And all my longing wishes meets,
And all my spirit fills.
3 Daily I find his love the same,
And run at his command;
He knows and calls me by my name,
And guides me with his hand.
4 Had I but dream'd how great the joys
Of those who Jesus know,
I should have made his love my choice,
And sought him years ago.
5 But vainly, madly did I stray,
A stranger to his grace,
Far from the fold--from bliss away,
In sin's wide wilderness.
6 When round me wolves with fury strove,
The wanderer to destroy,
My Shepherd ran with hast and love,
And brought me home with joy.
7 Now safe return'd, my wanderings past,
My soul adores his charms,
Who laid me on his pitying breast,
And shields me with his arms.
8 Redeemer--Shepherd--guard my soul
From every future ill:
While storms without and thunders roll,
Be mine, my Saviour, still. Tune Title: CHURCH MEMBERSHIP
Church membership