Author: M. B. J. Hymnal: The Modern Hymnal #436 (1926) First Line: My Savior came from heav'n above Lyrics: 1 My Savior came from heav’n above
To redeem a world from sin;
He brought salvation and life and love
To all who would let Him in.
He came unto me, a sinner lost,
And offered pardon free;
My Savior came from heav’n above
That I might ransomed be.
Jesus paid the price for me,
Paid it for eternity;
This shall my song thro’ the ages be:
Jesus paid the price for me.
2 My Savior came to Gethsemane,
Alone His sad vigil kept;
For while He prayed in deep agony,
The weary watchers slept.
An angel from heaven heard His plea,
And strength to His did give;
My Savior came to Gethsemane
That I thro’ Him might live. [Refrain]
3 My Savior came to Calv’ry’s cross,
And took a sinner’s part;
And there, deserted by God and man,
He died of a broken heart!
O wonderful love that could suffer so,
That sinners might go free!
My Savior came to Calv’ry’s cross,
And shed His blood for me. [Refrain]
4 My Savior came from the silent tomb,
Triumphant o’er death and sin;
His wondrous vict’ry dispelled the gloom
That saddened the hearts of men.
He liveth forever at God’s right hand,
My Intercessor is He;
My Savior came from the silent tomb,
and conquered death for me. [Refrain] Topics: Atonement; Solos Languages: English Tune Title: [My Savior came from heav'n above]
Jesus Paid the Price for Me