Author: Robert Seymour Bridges, 1844-1930 Hymnal: CPWI Hymnal #284 (2010) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Love of the Father, Love of God the Son,
from whom all came, in whom was all begun;
who formest heavenly beauty out of strife,
creation's whole desire and breath of life:
2 thou the all-holy, thou supreme in might,
thou dost give peace, thy presence maketh right;
thou with thy favour all things dost enfold,
with thine all-kindness free from harm wilt hold.
*3 Hope of all comfort, splendour of all aid,
that dost not fail nor leave the heart afraid:
to all that cry thou dost all help accord,
the angels' armour, and the saints' reward.
4 Purest and highest, wisest and most just,
there is no truth save only in thy trust;
thou dost the mind from earthly dreams recall,
and bring, through Christ, to him for whom are all
5 Eternal glory, all men thee adore,
who art and shalt be worshipped evermore:
us whom thou madest, comfort with thy might,
and lead us to enjoy thy heavenly light. Topics: General Hymns The Holy Spirit Languages: English Tune Title: SONG 22
Love of the Father, Love of God the Son