Hymnal: The Psalms of David #II.CIX (1766) Lyrics: 1 Lord, we adore thy vast Designs,
Th' obscure Abyss of Providence,
Too deep to sound with mortal Lines,
Too dark to view with feeble Sense.
2 Now thou array'st thine awful Face,
In angry Frowns, without a Smile;
We through the Cloud believe thy Grace,
Secure of thy Compassions still.
3 Through Seas and Storms of deep Distress
We sail by Faith, and not by Sight;
Faith guides us in the Wilderness,
Through all the Briars and the Night.
4 Dear Father, if thy lifted Rod
Resolve to scourge us here below;
Still we must lean upon our God,
Thine Arm shall bear us safely through. Topics: Afflictions submitted to; Faith and Reason; Patience under Afflictions; Darkness of Providence Languages: English
Lord, we adore thy vast Designs