Author: Charles S. Mills, 1861-1942 Hymnal: The Cyber Hymnal #3982 Meter: Lyrics: 1. Lord, Thou hast known our joy,
Building for Thine employ
This house of prayer;
As we Thy help have sought,
With labor long have wrought,
Our willing offerings brought,
This work to share.
2. Now as we give it Thee
Thine evermore to be,
Who givest all,
Come, Thou, O Lord divine,
Make this Thy holy shrine
Where Thy pure light may shine;
O hear our call!
3. May this new temple prove
True witness to Thy love,
To all men free;
May all who seek this door,
And saving grace implore,
Love one another more
As they seek Thee.
4. O Christ, the Church’s head,
Who for us all hast bled
That we might live,
Thy cross we lift on high
This house to glorify;
On Thee our hearts rely
Thy power to give.
5. Lord, though these hours of praise,
And all our earthly days
Will soon be o’er,
Still may these courts proclaim
The glory of Thy name,
O Thou, who art the same
Forevermore! Languages: English Tune Title: ITALIAN HYMN
Lord, Thou Hast Known Our Joy