Hymnal: A New Version of the Psalms of David #8 (1754) Lyrics: 1 Lord, hear the Voice of my Complaint;
accept my secret Pray'r;
2 To Thee alone, my King, my God,
will I for Help repair.
3 Thou in the Morn my Voice shalt hear,
and with the dawning Day,
To thee devoutly I'll look up,
to thee devoutly pray.
4 For thou, the Wrongs that I sustain,
canst never, Lord, approve;
Who from thy sacred Dwelling-place
all Evil dost remove.
5 Not long shall stubborn Fools remain
unpunish'd in thy View:
All such as act unrighteous Things,
thy Vengeance shall pursue.
6 The sland'ring Tongue, O God of Truth,
by thee shall be destroy'd;
Who hat' st alike the Man in Blood,
and in Deceit employ'd.
7 But when thy boundless Grace shall me
to thy lov'd Courts restore,
On thee I'll fix my longing Eyes,
and humbly there adore.
8 Conduct me by thy righteous Laws;
for watchful is my Foe:
Therefore, O Lord, make plain the Way,
wherein I ought to go.
9 Their Mouth vents nothing but Deceit,
their Heart is set on Wrong;
Their Throat is a devouring Grave;
they flatter with their Tongue.
10 By their own Counsels let them fall,
oppress'd with Loads of Sin;
For they against thy righteous Laws
have harden'd Rebels been.
11 But let all those who trust in thee,
with Shouts their Joy proclaim;
Let them rejoice, whom thou preserv'st,
and all that love thy Name.
12 To righteous Men the righteous Lord,
his Blessing will extend;
And with his Favour all his Saints,
as with a Shield, defend. Scripture: Psalm 5 Languages: English
Lord, hear the voice of my complaint