Hymnal: Hymns and Spiritual Songs for the use of Christians #216 (1803) First Line: Lo! the God by whom salvation Lyrics: 1 Lo! the God by whom salvation
Is to fallen men restor'd;
Now resumes his blissful station,
Shews himself th' Almighty Lord;
Slow ascending,
Bids us for a whole farewel.
2 Who his heavn'ly state suspended,
And for man's atonement dy'd;
By unnumber'd hosts attended
Rises to his father's side;
Borne by angels
Back to his eternal throne.
3 Seraphs chaunt his endless praises,
Guard him to his ancient seat;
Open wide, ye heavn'ly places,
Your returning God admit:
Heav'nly portals,
Let the King of glory in!
4 Christ his kingdom re-inherits,
His before the world began;
Myriads of admiring spirits
Hover round the Son of Man;
Wrapt in wonder,
View the wounds he bore for us.
5 Worthy thou of exaltation,
Lost in sweet surprise thy sing:
Mortals with like acclamation,
Hail your great redeeming King;
Let your voices,
Emulate th' angelic choir.
6 Yes, O Christ, from every creature,
praise shall to thy name be giv'n;
Worthy thou of more and greater,
King of saints, and King of heav'n!
Kindling transports
Swell our hearts and tune our tongues.
7 Tho, our Lord is taken from us,
Present but in spirit now,
This his faithful word of promise
Made, while sojourning below;
"Where I enter,
"Thither shall my servants come."
8 Him we praise for his ascension,
Conqueror of sin and death;
Gone up to prepare a mansion
For his ransom'd flock beneath;
They shall quickly
Reign with him in glory there.
9 There already is our treasure,
There our heart, our hope, our crown;
Thence on sublunary pleasure,
We, with holy scorn, look down:
Earth hath nothing
Worth a moment's transient thought.
10 We shall soon in bliss adore thee,
Gain the realms of endless day;
Soon be gather'd home to glory,
All our tears be wip'd away;
There, for ever,
Sing the Lamb's new song of love.
Languages: English
On the Ascension of Christ