Author: Adam of St Victor; Robert Bridges, 1844-1930 Hymnal: The New English Hymnal #229 (1986) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Joy and triumph everlasting
Hath the heavenly Church on high;
For that pure immortal gladness
All our feast-days mourn and sigh:
Yet in death’s dark desert wild
Doth the mother aid her child,
Guards celestial thence attend us,
Stand in combat to defend us.
2 Here the world’s perpetual warfare
Holds from heaven the soul apart;
Legioned foes in shadowy terror
Vex the Sabbath of the heart.
O how happy that estate
Where delight doth not abate;
For that home the spirit yearneth,
Where none languisheth nor mourneth.
3 There the body hath no torment,
There the mind is free from care,
There is every voice rejoicing,
Every heart is loving there.
Angels in that city dwell;
Them their King delighteth well:
Still they joy and weary never,
More and more desiring ever.
4 There the seers and fathers holy,
There the prophets glorified,
All their doubts and darkness ended,
In the Light of light abide.
There the Saints, whose memories old
We in faithful hymns uphold,
Have forgot their bitter story
In the joy of Jesu’s glory.
5 There from lowliness exalted
Dwelleth Mary, Queen of grace,
Ever with her presence pleading
'Gainst the sin of Adam's race.
To that glory of the blest,
By their prayers and faith confest,
Us, us too, when death hath freed us,
Christ of his good mercy lead us. Topics: The Christian Year Festivals and Other Holidays: General; Common of Saints; Funerals and The Departed; All Saints November 1st Languages: English Tune Title: GENEVAN PSALM 42
Joy and triumph everlasting