Author: Martin Luther Hymnal: Hymnal for Church and Home #90 (1927) Meter: Lyrics: 1 Jesus, Savior, of Virgin born,
Sent to rescue a world forlorn,
Joyfully we our voices raise
And with the angels sing Thy praise.
2 Son of God, though enthron'd on high,
In a manger Thou here didst lie;
thou hast assumed our flesh and blood,
Who art in truth the greatest Good.
3 Thou whom heaven can not enclose
Didst in Mary's embrace repose;
Thou wert an infant weak and small,
Who by Thy pow'r up-holdest all.
4 Light celestial, thou dost illume
Earth's dominions, engulfed in gloom;
Thou dost dispel the dismal night
And we are made the sons of light.
6 Here on earth Thou wert poor indeed,
Humbly sharing our ev'ry need,
That we in heaven rich may be,
From ev'ry earthly burden free.
7 This, O Lord, Thy great love to seal,
Thou to us wouldst this day reveal;
Let then all Christian here rejoice,
Singing Thy praise with gladsome voice.
Hallelujah! Topics: Christmas Languages: English Tune Title: [Jesus, Savior, of Virgin born]
Jesus, Savior, Of Virgin Born