Hymnal: Voices of Praise #197 (1883) Lyrics: 1 Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me;
He is always, always near:
If I try to please Him truly,
There is nought that I can fear.
2 Jesus loves me,--well I know it,
For to save my soul He died:
He for me bore pain and, sorrow,
Nailed hands and pierced side.
3 Jesus loves me,--night and morning
Jesus hears the prayers I pray;
And He never, never leaves me,
When I work or when I play.
4 Jesus loves me,--and He watches
Over me with loving eye,
And He sends His Holy Angels,
Safe to keep me, till I die.
5 Jesus loves me,--O Lord Jesus,
Now I pray Thee by Thy love,
Keep me ever pure and holy,
Till I come to Thee above!
Amen. Topics: Love Languages: English Tune Title: CLAUGHTON
Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me