Hymnal: A Pocket hymn book, designed as a constant companion for the pious #CCXXII (1788) Lyrics: 1 In that sad memorable night,
When Jesus was for us betray'd,
He left his death-recording rite,
He took, and bless'd, and break the bread,
And gave his own their last bequest,
And thus his love's intent exprest:
2 Take, eat, this is my body given,
To purchase life and peace for you,
Pardon and holiness and heaven;
Do this, my dying love to shew,
Accept your precious legacy,
And thus, my friends, remember me.
3 He took into his hands the cup,
To crown the sacramental feast,
And full of kind concern look'd up,
And gave what he to them had blest,
And drink ye all of this, he said,
In solemn memory of the dead.
4 This is my blood which seals the new
Eternal covenant of my grace,
My blood so freely shed for you,
For you and all the sinful race,
My blood that speaks your sins forgiven,
And justifies your claim to heaven.
Topics: Sacramental Languages: English
In that sad memorable night